November 1, 2021
Veterans Day Ceremony- Thursday, November 11, 2021 at Kiwanis Memorial Park
The Seaford Veterans Day Ceremony will be held Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 11:00 A.M., sponsored by the Seaford Veterans Committee. The ceremony will be conducted at Kiwanis Memorial Park adjacent to the intersection of Stein Highway and Atlanta Rd. across from the Rite Aid store in west Seaford, DE.
The scheduled guest speaker is Chief Warrant Officer 3 Richard A. Norman, United States Navy, Retired. CWO3 Norman is a past Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) instructor and advisor at Seaford High School, Seaford, DE..
A salute and recognition will be paid to all military personnel past and present, as well as any Gold Star Mothers in attendance.
If inclement weather is imminent or a low wind chill is forecast, the ceremony will be conducted at the Seaford High School auditorium, 399 N. Market Street, Seaford, DE.. If the ceremony is held at the High School, due to the large number of older veterans with co-morbidities, it is requested that attendees wear masks and that attendees be seated 3-6 feet apart, unless they are members of the same family.
On behalf of the Seaford Veterans Committee, consisting of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4961, American Legion Posts 6 and 37, AMVETS Post 1694, Marine Corps League Detachment 780 and Disabled American Veterans Chapter 9, we extend an invitation to the public to attend this event as the community honors the service and sacrifices of all veterans who have or are serving this Country.
Following the ceremony at 1:00 P.M., VFW Post 4961 on Middleford Road, Seaford, and American Legion Post 6 (Log Cabin) on Front Street, will hold open houses, with lunch being served, that are free and open to the public. American Legion Post 6 will have a Military Vehicle display and also personnel will be available to provide information to assist with Veterans benefits.