Ninth Street Development Corporation (9SDC) developer Rob Hererra, presented a progress update on the future of the Nylon Capital Shopping Center at the City Council meeting Tuesday, March 14th.
Since closing on the property, they have launched several tasks all at once, those being a property conditions assessment, hiring a land use attorney and sending out requests for proposals (RFP) for a civil engineer on the project. The have narrowed down the RFPs to two firms, with hopes of making a selection this week. They have also hired a design firm, who they have been working with on some of the master planning and schematic designs.
Mr. Herrera noted they had a really good design phase exploration, with approximately 23 revisions to date, and they are finally to the point where they are ready to share it.
He shared a layout of the property, which includes the following components:
Bowling Alley
Social Hall with a beer garden
Existing retail (Sal's, Great Wall)
Spec retail
Green space area
The Mill
Delaware Tech
Montessori Works
Healthcare Component (tenant to be later named)
Potential amenities include but not limited to: a creamery, coffee shop and cafe.
With regard to the project timeline, Mr. Hererra advised they have an evolving project schedule. There will be two phases, as some of the facilities they will be keeping and renovating this summer into the fall. Demolitions will occur in tandem with a very similar timeline. Once the demolition of various buildings is complete, the site work will then begin, hopefully with construction to occur sometime in mid 2024.
Mr. Hererra anticipates returning to Seaford with another update in the coming months.
Throughout this project, 9SDC wants to hear from our community and encourages your feedback at
The full presentation can be found HERE or by watching the video from the March 14, 2023 Council Meeting found on our YouTube Channel (Mr. Hererra's presentation was New Business #1 and begins at 19:20 in the video).